Sunday 28 October 2012


This might be a bit random but this is postcard is a major source of inspiration for my child abuse project. I visited Melbourne earlier this year and visited the National Gallery of Victoria to see the art. I stumbled upon this post card at the gift shop that I felt spoke volumes volumes to me.

I visited the gallery with my ex-classmate who is currently studying design at RMIT Melbourne and she was explaining to me what some of the paintings was about. So, she explained to me that the artist, August Friedrich, was trying to depict despair and sorrow. This art piece is called Anguish.
The mother sheep's lamb has died and the crows around her are just waiting for her to leave to lamb so that they can feed on it. But it's clear that the mother sheep does not want to leave :'( 
Looking at this picture just makes me think of how it might be like for parents with children who are forced into labour or are abused by others. Looking at this piece makes you think, and it makes you feel. The more I look at it, the more i feel like crying because of the morbid feeling and sadness of the mother lamb.
This picture is definitely what I will be basing my drafts on for this project :)

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