Monday 1 October 2012

Artwork Project on Child Labour / Child Abuse

My lecturer recently told us that our design topic for the semester is Child Labour / Child Abuse. So here is some of the research that i have found that have given me ideas on what to design for my final design project. 

1.The Child Abuse Council of Santa Clara Country has explained child abuse as the following: 

  • Child abuse is physical -- shaking, hitting, beating, burning, or biting a child.
  • Child abuse is emotional -- constantly blaming or putting down a child; excessive yelling, shaming.
  • Child abuse is sexual -- incest, any forced sexual activity, exposure to sexual stimulation not appropriate for the child's age.
  • Child abuse is neglect -- a pattern of failure to provide for the child's physical needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care; a pattern of failure to provide for the child's emotional needs, such as affection, attention, and supervision. 

2. An article published by commented that in 2009 more children in America were hospitalized for injuries resulting from abuse compared to 1997. From the article, it also said that parents need to learn how to walk away and get help for their issues. (Source:

3.  In 2001, the government implemented the Child Act 2001 which was fully supported by UNICEF Malaysia. UNICEF has especially been supporting this act through training and seminars on child development and welfare systems; and further projects have been organized between UNICEF and the government. (Source: In my opinion, although laws have been set in this country to protect children in situations of abuse, I do feel that the public has yet to take this issue seriously enough.

4.  When it comes to child labour, the International Labour Organization (ILO)  has stated that an estimated 215 Million children are put to work worldwide, many of which work full time. More than half are exposed to the worst forms labour and hazardous environments as well as forms of prostitution , and human trafficking. Source ( 

5. Various campaigns have also been set by organizations to raise awareness for child labour. Some of them include the Education Campaign form Global March (Source: , GoodWeave's main campaign to end child labour in Asia (Source: and Stop Childlabour Campaign (Source:

I guess with all this info that I have found so far, I've already got a few ideas in my head. I just need to draft them out soon :) 

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