Monday 5 November 2012

Art Gallery

Last week, our class had a visit to the National Art Galley. So after having to rush from our Research Methodology Tutorial, we blindly went around KL looking for the galley and after a pain staking 1 hour, we finally reached the place. 

Once we got in, we had to walk to the top and slowly make our way downwards through the galleries, slowly observing the transition of art pieces of the local artist. Most of the pieces that were presented were very contemporary like. One of the works from the various artist that really captivated me was from Sivam Selvaratnam called Solitude.

The painting was of the back of a woman lying on the left side of her body. The main colours that were used by the artist was deep blue and a sort of "mossy green".  As I stood there, slowly looking at the details of the painting, I felt a gush of sadness and sympathy for the subject. The green-blue background, showed a sense of raw green emotions and despair. The artist made the back bone protrude making it seem like she was too skinny or somewhat starved. 

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